Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Toto - Fahrenheit (1986)

Toto never seem to get the respect they deserve. Not sure if it is because of their band name, or what. But one thing is certain, they know their FM!

Around the time this album came out in 1986, the keyboard player(s) on the album actually released a commercial patch library for the FM sounds they used on the album. These patches came on a cartridge that you could jam in to a Yamaha DX-7 and access without having to create them from scratch yourself. I am not sure, but I think that might have been revolutionary... At the very least, it was right on the razor's edge of stuff that had never been done before.

Fortunately, those cartridges still exist, and are really easy to find on the internet. And those patches can be slotted in to just about any FM VST, like Dexed or FM8. I've messed around with them, and the smile on my face could not have been any bigger. It's a fun thing to relive, now, so many years later.

As for this track, it's a masterclass of meshing FM with real instruments. FM bass, real bass, synths and keys, guitars. They are all blended in there seamlessly, and this track in particular is so damn catchy, I am left scratching my head why Toto don't get no respect.

Was it the name?

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