Thursday, 1 September 2016

Kodomo Band - Heart of Madness (Fist of the North Star Soundtrack) (1986)

This is actually one of the few anime's I saw back in the day. Back when blockbuster would have an entire Anime section of VHS tapes. This was one of my absolutely favourites because of how unbelievably violent and well animated it was. Because it was a condensed version of the first 24 episodes of the TV series "Hokuto No Ken" (which is even more amazing then the movie), the story never really made much sense to me as a kid. But what did make sense was this song.

It plays right during a montage, where the hero, Kenshiro is stoically on his way to fight the main villain, Raoh. It always serves to get me just a little bit hyped up, so I have had it on my pre-tournament sports playlists for a few years now. It never disappoints.

I must admit, I am not 100% sure this is FM bass. If it isn't I am not sure what it actually is. It's not even particularly good FM bass either way. But this track is a gem, and one that is getting shared right now!

You are already FM Bassed! Omae wa mō shindeiru

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