Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Jack Nitzsche - Here Come the Helicopters (Starman Soundtrack)(1984)

It's been a wild summer, but is time to start wrapping up the semi-daily updates to the #SummerOfFM. There are still many more FM tracks waiting to be added to this list, and I will continue to post them as I find them, but the bulk of the posting, and the nightly research sessions to find the perfect track will have to take a back seat to some other things now as this summer comes to a close.

So what better time to post a fairly ambient cinematic track from 1984 to really showcase some of the grit of the Synclavier brand of FM. It's been a while since I have seen Starman, and I certain don't remember it being this synthy of a score. Checking it out again now makes me infinitely more interested in re-watching the movie. There is something very enticing about this much synth and the fairly drab 80s trucker mountain road setting of the movie.

As for the track itself, you have to love that grimy pulsating FM staccato drone that keeps coming in and out. It's so perfectly Synclavier sounding.

I've got at least one other definitely track I want to share before I let the #SummerOfFM take a vacation. But I gotta say thanks to everyone who's shared in the fun by checking these tracks out over the summer.

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