Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Alisha - Love You Up (1987)

Maybe it's just me, but I had never actually heard much about Alisha before just randomly stumbling upon it a little while ago. Some of the info I can find on her suggest that she was an "80s icon" which makes me wonder, again, just how friggin' big were the 80s? Like, I feel like I should be running out of artists I had never heard of, but, the list just doesn't seem to stagnate.

Not that I mind, hehe. this is a track that features that slap bass FM preset that you hear all over the 80s. personally, I think this bass, an it's variants might just be my favourite of the FM Synth basses. It's just so punchy and bitey. It cuts like a knife. All metallic and cold, but, depending on how it is mixed, it can kind of be warm at the same time. It's an iconic sound that I think sometimes gets unfairly considered to be cheap sounding. This is cutting edge 80s technology, perfect for loving you up!

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