Thursday, 4 August 2016

Alan Silvestri - The Delta Force (Delta Force Soundtrack) (1986)

Alan Silvestri is one of my all time favourite film composers. For reference, he did the Back to the Future and Predator score. What I like about his song writing is that it is razor sharp, and not afraid to write in extremes. He is one of the few film composers that will go somewhat dark with his melodies, even if it is a family movie. There are moments of Back to the Future 2 that fall right off of death metal albums (in chord progression only). Chord progressions that I find myself using when I want to sound exceptionally dark.

Even though he was an orchestral composer, isn't it amusing that he also found the time to incorporate some Synclavier style FM in to his scores? This track echoes much of the goodness that was heard earlier in the Summer of FM with the Robot Romp track from Flight of the Navigator. he pretty much uses all of the same instruments here, with all the same over the top goofiness.

When those horns come in, this track goes to the moon. Alan Silvestri: a man of extremes.

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