Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Regina - Baby Love (1986)

Stephen Bray, one of the main producers performers and songwriters for Madonna back in the 80s, also had a hand in creating the one off album by the artist Regina. You can clearly hear the similarities, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I don't think Regina was ever meant to be as big as Madonna so they were allowed to go in a bit of a different direction. Mainly: More energy!

This is a super energetic track with a steady pace and a lot of fiddly little bits here and there. The vocals sound almost identical to Madonnas, but without all the kind of goofy operatic bits she would dip in to, or the genre bending Madonna would do, which usually ended up being my least favourite stuff of hers.

No, this is, instead, pure, unbridled 80s synth pop. And as such, it comes with a heaping dose of FM slap bass! Though, I am torn. I can't tell if this is actually a slap bass patch from the DX-7, or if it is a sample of slap bass (possibly from a DX-7) that is coming from one of the more high tech 80s sampler synths the Emulator II. It's really hard to tell, and my ears are only so good at picking out FM sounds. at the very least, this sounds a lot like FM, and that is good enough for me.

For all I know, the Slap Bass patches on the Emulator II were sampled from a DX-7 anyway. Who knows. It was the wild west of digital sounds back then.

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