Friday, 12 August 2016

Mr. Mister - Broken Wings (1985)

Mr. Mister - Welcome to the Real World (1985) is one of my top ten albums of all time. Every track on this album is a start to finish banger, and this track which they may be most well known for is actually one of my least favourite tracks on the album. But, it is also the track with the most FM bass, so it has to get a share. Because even my least favourite track off the album is a clear and true destroyer  in it's own right. This song, for me, defined the 80s sound. I swear all of my foggy memories of the 80s seem to have this song playing softly in the background. (This, and Chris de Burgh - Lady in Red...).

Honestly, this is a desert island kind of album. One thing to note in this song, and the rest off the album, is how much variety there is with each repetition of a verse or a chorus. Drum fills, synth fills, vocal hooks and one off unique synth and guitar stabs. The thing that makes this album so fun to listen to is that it is not a copy and paste kind of thing. It's pretty organic, even for how much synth was used. These guys are fantastic song writers, and this album was their finest outing.

On a side note: Singer Richard Page is one of my all time favourite vocalists. This track does not necessarily showcase all of why that claim. But him, and fellow Mr. Mister keyboardist Steve George have been putting amazing tracks together since 1978 when they were in a band called "Pages". pages put out 3 albums that really opened my eyes to just how good Richard Page is. Check out the track "Pages - Midnight Angel" for some real chills, and more of that patented Mr. Mister organic song writing. Midnight angel, sweet angel...

As for this track, and the FM. This is a straight up Yamaha DX-7 FM Bass preset. This is the sound of the 80s.

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