Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Desireless - Voyage Voyage (1986)

I finally have a reason to share this song, and I can finally post a track that isn't in English. I am actually a dramatic sucker for songs that aren't in the English language. Mostly because I rarely if ever pay attention to lyrics or lyrical content. I seem to always be focused on tonality of the voice and the melodies sung. I have to purposely remember to listen to lyrics if I ever want to hear what the song is about. So, fortunately, with songs that aren't in English, I get to fill in all the blanks myself and just enjoy the track as a piece of sonic art on it's own. You learn to appreciate the nuances of other languages as well. It's a nice change of pace.

This song is in French, but please don't let the lack of English sway you from getting down with this delightfully synthy and crunchy FM track. Seriously, FM Bass and synth abound!

The singer, Claudie Fritsch-Mentrop, should also be noted here. Aside from the pretty stellar vocal performance, she was sort of ahead of the curve in terms of fashion and defying the social norms of the era. She was apparently part of the fashion industry before getting involved in music. I guess some of that fashion world boldness carried over. Because she was clearly not attempting to appeal to the typical look of an 80s pop starlet. In fact, she seemed to actively subvert the concept of sex appeal. With that name "Desireless" she seems to boldly say "sex appeal shmexappeal". I can respect that. I have been pretty bored with lazy attempts at sex appeal in pop culture. I am not sure if that was her intent, but since it isn't in English, I can pretend it was and no one can stop me!


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