Thursday, 4 August 2016

Howard Hewett - Love Don't Wanna Wait (1986)

This is a really common chord progression, but it seems to be the one I gravitate toward the most. If you have this chord progression in your song, I will probably like it, a lot. It may be no coincidence that this chord progression usually results in more energetic songs, or, songs of this type of energy. Like, lone wolf, bad ass kind of energy. The NES, as it turned out, used this type of progression a lot. Contra, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Shatterhand and the list goes oooooooon.

It's simple in this case, but it is no less effective. All you need to do is have this two chord progression and the bad ass melodies and harmonies will fly. It always helps when there is a layered FM bass making this chord progression happen though. In the 80s, you could always count on that!

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