Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Chicago - Only You (1984)

You know what makes Chicago amazing, other than the obvious incredible discography? FM was a brand new digital technology for consumers at this time, and they decided to use it prominently in this track with a full spectrum of live instruments as well, including a full brass section, and multiple singers. It turns out so well when it is in the hands of some song writing masters, and some incredible performers.

I find it amazing that they didn't miss a beat with this tech, and just belted out a killer track as if it was nothing, when, in fact, it was sounds that were relatively brand new to everyone.

Related story: back in 2000, I once bought the album this song is off of "Chicago - Chicago XVII (1984)" and a death metal album "Exhumed - Slaughtercult (2000)" at the exact same trip to the record store. I still find that funny, but I stand by it.

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